Friday, October 14, 2016

Change is Good

With the time change, change your batteries!

This fall when we change our clocks back an hour for daylight savings time, we remind you to also change your batteries in your thermostat and smoke detectors.

It is always a good idea to change batteries when the time changes. That way you can be sure that going into heating season your thermostat will have fresh new full charged batteries. And that any battery operated appliance such as your smoke detectors are working properly.

Also as a reminder, have you had your furnace's annual clean and check done yet? If not, you should give us a call to get on the schedule.

Maintaining your equipment will help extend the life of the machines, increase efficiency and will also keep any warranties you have in effect.

Have you changed your furnace filter lately? How about your humidifier filter? Humidifiers are notorious for building up mold and mildew when they sit for extended periods of time. Do you have an electronic air purifier or ultra violet bulbs in your home? They may need maintenance as well.

Fall is the season of change. The leaves change colors, and nature prepares for the winter cold ahead.

Homeowners should follow that lead and change batteries and filters and do any maintenance that is needed to insure that everything works properly for the long winter.

Enjoy the season! And remember there are only 10 Sundays left until Christmas!

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